
Here is what we offer!

Garnet Sweet Potato

Garnet sweet potatoes are renowned for their deep orange flesh and coppery-red skin. This variety strikes a balance between sweetness and earthiness, making it a favorite for a wide range of dishes. Its vibrant color is indicative of its high beta-carotene content, a precursor to vitamin A and a powerful antioxidant. Garnet sweet potatoes can be prepared in various ways, from classic baked or mashed versions to being incorporated into pies and casseroles. Their sweet flavor and velvety texture make them a popular choice for both traditional and innovative recipes.


The Covington sweet potato is recognizable by its tan skin and vibrant orange flesh. It is prized for its sweet flavor profile, which becomes even more pronounced when cooked. Covington sweet potatoes are often chosen for their versatility in the kitchen – they can be baked, boiled, mashed, or fried with equally satisfying results. Their reliable sweetness and ability to hold their shape when cooked make them a top pick for both savory and sweet preparations. Additionally, their nutritional content, including vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, adds to their appeal as a wholesome ingredient.

Bonita Sweet Potato

The Bonita sweet potato, often referred to as a “white sweet potato,” is recognized for its pale, creamy-colored flesh and tan skin. Unlike traditional orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, the Bonita variety boasts a milder flavor with subtle nutty and earthy undertones. Its texture is less dense and more starchy than other sweet potato varieties, making it an excellent choice for baking, frying, or mashing. Its light color and delicate flavor make it a versatile ingredient in both savory and sweet dishes, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into a variety of culinary creations.

Japanese Murasaki

The Japanese Murasaki sweet potato, also known as the Satsumaimo sweet potato, is a popular variety in Japan. It features a reddish-purple skin and a creamy white interior. With a naturally sweet and nutty taste, this sweet potato is often enjoyed simply roasted or steamed to highlight its natural flavors. Its texture is notably soft and smooth, making it an ideal choice for purees and desserts. Japanese Murasaki sweet potatoes are celebrated for their potential health benefits, as they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Purple Charleston

The Purple Charleston sweet potato stands out with its vibrant purple skin and equally striking purple flesh. This visually appealing variety not only adds a pop of color to dishes but also brings a slightly sweeter flavor compared to traditional orange sweet potatoes. The purple color is attributed to the presence of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that offer potential health benefits. When cooked, Purple Charleston sweet potatoes maintain their vivid hue and can be used in a range of dishes, from roasted vegetable medleys to colorful chips.

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